Subject: Retail Density

Results: 106

Tobacco Retail Policy Trends in 2019

Cover of Tobacco Retail Policy Trends in 2019 Report

Between March and July 2019, we interviewed tobacco control program managers or coalition members in each of our 30 ASPiRE Community Advisory Board (CAB) cities about their retail policy efforts. We also conducted an online survey of state tobacco control program managers in all 50 states. We collected data on Retail Policy Activity, Barriers, and [...]

Moving From Metrics to Mechanisms to Evaluate Tobacco Retailer Policies: Importance of Retail Policy in Tobacco Control

An editorial discussing a Lawman et al. study of the Philadelphia, PA, retail policy environment and acknowledging its importance. The authors describe the need to examine policy mechanisms and environmental changes to equip communities in efforts to design new tobacco control policies. Exploring these factors will allow for more effective policies that meet the specific demands of communities’ [...]