Subject: Price

Results: 61

Tobacco Retail Policy Trends in 2022

Between March and May 2022, we interviewed tobacco control program managers or coalition members in each of our 30 ASPiRE Community Advisory Board (CAB) cities about their retail policy efforts. We also conducted an online survey of state tobacco control program managers in all 50 states. We collected data on Retail Policy Activity, Barriers, and [...]

Perceived helpfulness of tobacco control policies for supporting cessation: a survey in 30 cities across the US with adults who smoke daily

Erin Vogel from our Stanford team team shared this presentation as part of an ASPiRE panel at the Society for Research on Nicotine & Tobacco 2023 Annual Meeting in San Antonio, Texas on March 3. See the presentation slides. [...]

Case Study: St. Paul, MN Tobacco Ordinance 2021

Illustration of St. Paul, Minnesota

This case study tells the story of the development and implementation of Saint Paul, Minnesota’s 2021 comprehensive retail tobacco ordinance. The case study details the policy development process; highlights the important partnership among the Association for Nonsmokers-Minnesota, the Saint Paul City Council, and the Center for Prevention at Blue Cross and Blue Shield of Minnesota; [...]

Addressing lower-priced cigarette products through three-pronged comprehensive regulation on excise taxes, minimum price policies and restrictions on price promotions

In a special communication published in Tobacco Control, ASPiRE’s Kurt Ribisl and Shelley Golden propose strategies for making higher tobacco excise taxes more effective. Designing those taxes to raise prices frequently and substantially for all products, along with minimum price laws and bans on coupons, discounts and other promotions would reduce the persistence of lower-price products [...]

Retail endgame strategies: reduce tobacco availability and visibility and promote health equity

In a special communication published in Tobacco Control, ASPiRE’s Amanda Kong and Lisa Henriksen note that an increasing number of countries have set goals for dramatic reductions in smoking. But to achieve those goals and promote health equity, policies are needed to reduce retail sales and visibility of tobacco products. Focusing on retailer reduction strategies [...]

Tobacco company agreements with tobacco retailers for price discounts and prime placement of products and advertising: a scoping review

A study published in Nicotine & Tobacco Research reviewed existing literature to better understand the use of often-secretive contracts between tobacco companies and retailers. ASPiRE’s Alexandria Reimold, Joseph Lee, and Kurt Ribisl found that contracts are common and often require retailers to lower product pricing, display signage, promote products, and give products highly visible placement. Contracts [...]

Trends in cigarette marketing expenditures, 1975–2019: an analysis of Federal Trade Commission cigarette reports

A study published in the Nicotine & Tobacco Research revealed shifts in cigarette marketing from 1975 to 2019. Cigarette marketing expenditures peaked at $21.1 billion in 2003 and have shifted from advertising to retail spending, according to a new study by ASPiRE’s Haijing Ma, Alexandria Reimold, and Kurt Ribisl. They found spending increased from 1975 [...]