Finding patterns in the availability and sales of newer tobacco products

Finding patterns in the availability and sales of newer tobacco products

ASPiRE’s Joseph G.L. Lee (East Carolina University) and ASPiRE partner Shyanika W.
Rose (University of Kentucky) co-authored a study that audited retailers in four states to
analyze neighborhood distribution of the availability of disposable e-cigarettes and nicotine
pouches. Both products were available in about half the stores audited in Kentucky, New
Jersey, New York, and North Carolina. However, availability was more likely in stores in
census tracts with a greater percentage of non-Hispanic White residents. Disposable e-cigarettes
were more likely to be available in tobacco/vape shops than convenience stores
and less likely in non-specialty stores like groceries. The authors note that understanding
retail patterns will be important as new products go through the FDA pre-market
authorization process. Read the paper.