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Retailers in first two U.S. cities to prohibit the sale of tobacco products share their experiences

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In-person interviews with owners or managers of tobacco retailers in Beverly Hills and Manhattan Beach, CA–the first two US cities to prohibit the sale of tobacco products–described retailer experiences 22 months after ordinances were implemented January 1, 2021. Experiences of the 22 retailers who were interviewed varied by type of store where they worked. Managers [...]

Researchers examine the impact of flavored e-cigarette restrictions on use in three states

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Adult e-cigarette users from Washington, New Jersey, and New York were surveyed before and after temporary sales restrictions on flavored e-cigarettes in Washington and permanent restrictions in New Jersey and New York. After the restrictions went into effect, most respondents continued to use e-cigarettes with prohibited flavors, and many increased their use of non-flavored e-cigarettes. [...]

CAB surveys suggest ways to make research accessible

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A paper in Substance Abuse Treatment, Prevention and Policy based on your responses to surveys during our CAB meetings focuses on CAB member preferences for receiving scientific evidence and ways to use it. The paper, co-authored by Ginger McKay and other members of the ASPiRE team at WashU, analyzed the results of the surveys completed [...]

Passing complementary pricing policies would strengthen impact of higher cigarette taxes

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Also in the 30th anniversary issue of Tobacco Control, a special communication by ASPiRE’s Kurt Ribisl and Shelley Golden proposes strategies for making higher tobacco excise taxes even more effective. Designing those taxes to raise prices frequently and substantially for all products, along with minimum price laws and bans on coupons, discounts, and other promotions [...]

Stronger packaging policies could curb cigar use, study suggests

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Cigar packaging features such as small pack sizes, innovative materials, flavor names, bright colors, and cost-saving promotions are prevalent among the top-selling products, concludes a study of packaging of top-selling cigars in the U.S. Stronger packaging-focused policies at the federal and local levels may help reduce appeal and potentially curb cigar use, conclude the authors [...]

Fewer exemptions, better research needed to strengthen retail policies and evaluation

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A qualitative review of published research that evaluated tobacco sales policies found a moderate to high quality of evidence associating policies with reduced availability, marketing, and sales of policy-restricted products, as well as decreased youth and adult tobacco use of the products. But the authors also found policy exclusions and exemptions, implementation challenges, tobacco industry [...]

Restrictions on the sale of flavored e-cigs associated with a reduction in total e-cig sales

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Statewide restrictions on the sale of flavored e-cigarettes in Massachusetts, New York, Rhode Island, and Washington were associated with a reduction in total e-cigarette sales, according to a study published in the Journal of the American Medical Association. The authors say their findings suggest that not all e-cigarette users who purchased non-tobacco-flavored e-cigarettes switched to [...]