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E-cigarette sales trends available

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The CDC Foundation has produced data briefs on U.S. trends in e-cigarette sales, including trends in several states. The briefs update trends in sales of e-cigarettes by product and flavor type. These briefs are intended to provide information about population trends in sales for participating retailers; they don’t include online sale or vape store sales, [...]

CDC publishes guide on putting evidence into practice

CDC User Guide Putting Evidence into Practice Cover

After more than 50 years of research, we know what works to reduce commercial tobacco use. Yet evidence-based interventions are not reaching the people who need them most, and tobacco use remains the leading cause of preventable death in the U.S. Now, the CDC has published a new guide designed to help programs like yours [...]

A look at the impact of California’s tobacco and cannabis policies

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The investigators examined the effects of California’s tobacco and cannabis policies on the availability of tobacco. Recent laws prohibit the sale of flavored tobacco and set minimum pack sizes for little cigars and cigarillos (LCCs), while increasing availability of cannabis through more permissive sales and marketing policies. The study found that the cannabis policies were [...]

Policies associated with reduced adult, youth use of tobacco

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This study systematically reviewed papers that evaluated flavored tobacco sales policies implemented in the United States during 2010-2019. From these papers, the authors developed a model to assess outcomes, assigned quality-of-evidence ratings to outcomes, and identified factors that might explain weak or inconsistent findings. Moderate- to high-quality evidence existed to associate policy implementation with reduced [...]

Stay-at-home period during COVID changed use and purchase of tobacco, study finds

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In telephone interviews with adults who smoke cigarettes and/or use electronic delivery systems, researchers found several changes in the use and purchase of inhaled tobacco products during the initial COVID-19 stay-at-home period in the U.S. Community-level changes centered on product accessibility and were reflected primarily in purchasing patterns. Interpersonal-level changes reflected shifts in household dynamics [...]

E-cigarette use by young adults linked to advertising, media exposure

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The authors, including ASPiRE’s Lisa Henriksen, analyzed survey data from 3,000 young adults in six metropolitan areas to examine e-cigarette use, advertising and media exposure, and age verification experiences during purchase. Consistent with previous studies, the research found a positive, possibly reciprocal, association between e-cigarette use and advertising/media exposure. The survey also pointed to poor [...]

Dollar stores may worsen smoking-related inequities

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By making cheaper cigarettes available in poorer, younger, and more rural neighborhoods, dollar stores may contribute to smoking inequities, according to a study whose co-authors include ASPiRE’s Lisa Henriksen and Nina Schleicher. Using data from California on tobacco retailers, the researchers found that census tracts with lower median household income, rural status, and higher proportions [...]

Lessons learned from menthol restrictions in Minnesota cities

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This study examined three successful tobacco retail policy initiatives to restrict menthol tobacco availability in Minneapolis, St. Paul, and Duluth, Minnesota, using key informant interviews with community leaders and members. Theme analysis indicated that strong city council support, leadership from impacted communities, awareness-building campaigns, and education about tobacco industry counter-tactics facilitated these initiatives. Challenges included [...]

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