

** NETS data cleaning for years 2000-2017 and all states using NETS2017 data
** created by May Kuo,
** July 6, 2021

libname raw17 “<path for raw NETS2017 data>”;
libname datasets “<path for output dataset>”;

%macro clean (year, yr);
Limit to NAICS codes 447110, 447190, 445120, 453991, 445110, 452311(old 452910), 446110,
445310, 452210 (old 452112), 452319 (old 452990) using 2017 xwalk to SIC

data clean1_&yr not_naics_&yr;
set raw17.nets2017 (keep= DunsNumber Company Address — ZIP4 FipsCounty — LevelCode sic2 — IndustryGroup
FIPS00 — YearStart MoveYears –DestZIP Minority WomenOwned–MoveOften FirstYear–CityCode_First);

if sic&yr=55419904 then naics=’447110′;
else if sic&yr=55410000 then naics=’447190′;
else if sic&yr=55419900 then naics=’447190′;
else if sic&yr=55419901 then naics=’447190′;
else if sic&yr=55419902 then naics=’447190′;
else if sic&yr=55419903 then naics=’447190′;
else if sic&yr=54110200 then naics=’445120′;
else if sic&yr=54110201 then naics=’445120′;
else if sic&yr=54110202 then naics=’445120′;

else if sic&yr=59930000 then naics=’453991′;
else if sic&yr=59939900 then naics=’453991′;
else if sic&yr=59939901 then naics=’453991′;
else if sic&yr=59939902 then naics=’453991′;
else if sic&yr=59939903 then naics=’453991′;
else if sic&yr=59939904 then naics=’453991′;

else if sic&yr=54110000 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54110100 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54110101 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54110102 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54110103 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54110104 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54110105 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54119900 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54119901 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54119902 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54119903 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54119904 then naics=’445110′;
else if sic&yr=54119905 then naics=’445110′;

else if sic&yr=53999906 then naics=’452311′;

else if sic&yr=59120000 then naics=’446110′;
else if sic&yr=59129900 then naics=’446110′;
else if sic&yr=59129901 then naics=’446110′;
else if sic&yr=59129902 then naics=’446110′;

else if sic&yr=59210000 then naics=’445310′;
else if sic&yr=59210100 then naics=’445310′;
else if sic&yr=59210101 then naics=’445310′;
else if sic&yr=59210102 then naics=’445310′;
else if sic&yr=59219900 then naics=’445310′;
else if sic&yr=59219901 then naics=’445310′;

else if sic&yr=53119901 then naics=’452210′;
else if sic&yr=53310000 then naics=’452319′;
else if sic&yr=53990000 then naics=’452319′;
else if sic&yr=53999900 then naics=’452319′;
else if sic&yr=53999901 then naics=’452319′;
else if sic&yr=53999902 then naics=’452319′;
else if sic&yr=53999903 then naics=’452319′;
else if sic&yr=53999904 then naics=’452319′;
else if sic&yr=53999905 then naics=’452319′;
else if sic&yr=55319900 then naics=’452319′;
if naics ^=”” then output clean1_&yr;
else if sic&yr ^=. then output not_naics_&yr;

** Add text search for tobacco stores from data not in the selected NAICS

data tobacco_&yr tobacco_ck&yr;
set not_naics_&yr ;

if ( index(upcase(company),”TOBACCO”) >0 or index(upcase(company),”CIGARETTE”) >0 or
index(upcase(company),”VAP”) >0 ) then do;

array include (*) inc00-inc17;
array sic(*) sic00-sic17;
array naics_var(*) naics00-naics17;

**include spec SIC codes;
do e=1 to dim(sic);
if 53000000<= sic(e) <=53999999 then include(e)=1;
else if 54000000<= sic(e) <=54999999 then include(e)=1;
else if 55000000<= sic(e) <=55999999 then include(e)=1;
else if 56000000<= sic(e) <=56999999 then include(e)=1;
else if 57000000<= sic(e) <=57999999 then include(e)=1;
else if 58000000<= sic(e) <=58999999 then include(e)=1;
else if 59000000<= sic(e) <=59999999 then include(e)=1;
else if 70000000<= sic(e) <=70999999 then include(e)=1;
else if 78000000<= sic(e) <=78999999 then include(e)=1;
else if 79000000<= sic(e) <=79999999 then include(e)=1;

else if sic(e) >=0 then include(e)=0;


do k=1 to dim(include);
if include(k)=1 then tobacco_keep=1;

if tobacco_keep=1 then output tobacco_&yr;
else output tobacco_ck&yr;

Identify Gas station stores

data type1_&yr ;
set clean1_&yr;

***Gas stations (with and without convenience): EXCLUDE Marine service stations (SIC: 55419902);
IF NAICS in (“447110” , “445120”, “447190”) then do;
if sic&yr=55419902 then delete;

***step 2_2: data cleaning following the methodology:
store type 2. tobacco stores;
data type2_&yr ;
set type1_&yr ;

**Tobacco stores: EXCLUDE Marijuana stores (SIC: 59939905);
if NAICS =”453991″ then do;
if sic&yr=59939905 then delete;

Identify supermarket and grocery stores, exclude SIC codes: coops (54119901), delis (54119902),
frozen foods (54119903)
data type3_&yr ;
set type2_&yr;

if NAICS =”445110 ” then do;
if ( index(upCASE(company),”ALDI”)>0 or index(upCASE(company),”TJS”) >0 or index(upCASE(company),”TRADER JOES”) >0 or
index(upCASE(company),”TRADERJOES”) >0 or
index(upCASE(company),”WHOLE FOOD”) >0 or index(upCASE(company),”WHOLEFOOD”) >0 or
index(upcase(company), “SCHWANS HOME SERVICE”) >0 or
index(upcase(company), “FRESH and EASY NEIGHBORHOOD MARKET”) >0 or
index(upcase(company), “FRESH MARKET”) >0 or
index(upcase(company), “SPROUTS”) >0)then delete;

if sic&yr in (54119901, 54119902, 54119903) then delete;

if &year >=2009 and (index(upCASE(company),”WEGMANS”) >0 OR index(upCASE(company),”WEGMAN”) >0)
then delete;
if state=”CA” and &year >=2016 and index(upCASE(company),”RALEYS”) >0 then delete;

Identify Pharmacies (446110)
data type5_&yr ;
set type3_&yr;

**From pharmacies, INCLUDE only: Walgreens, Rite Aid, Kmart Pharmacies, Eckerd, Longs Drug Stores,
New Albertsons, American Drug Stores, Bond Drug Company, Duane Reader, Medicine Shoppe,
Thrifty Payless Inc, Hook SuperX, Kerr Drug, Arbor Drug, CVS;

if naics=”446110″ then do;
**keep the following;
if ( index(upCASE(company), “WALGREEN”)>0 or index(upCASE(company),”RITE AID”) >0 or
index(upCASE(company), “KMART PHARMACIES”) >0 or index(upCASE(company),”KMART PHARMACY”) >0 or
index(upCASE(company), “K MART PHARMACY”) >0 or
index(upcase(company), “ECKERD”) >0 or index(upCASE(company),”ECKAERD”) >0 or
index(upcase(company), “LONGS DRUG”) >0 or index(upcase(company), “NEW ALBERTSONS”) >0 or
(index(upcase(company), “LONGS”) >0 and index(upcase(company), “DRUG”) >0) or
index(upcase(company), “LONGS PHARMACY”) >0 or
index(upcase(company), “AMERICAN DRUG”) >0 or Index(upcase(company), “BOND DRUG”) >0 or
index(upCASE(company), “DUANE READ”) >0 or index(upCASE(company), “MEDICINE SHOPPE”) >0 or
index(upCASE(company), “MEDICINE SHOP”) >0 or index(upCASE(company), “MEDICINE SHP”) >0 or
index(upCASE(company), “THRIFTY PAYLESS”) >0 or index(upcase(company), “HOOK SUPERX”) >0 ) or
upcase(compress(company,,”ps”)) =: “HOOKSUPERX” or
index(upCASE(company), “KERR DRUG”) >0 or index(upCASE(company), “ARBOR DRUG”) >0
then drugStore_keep=1;
if &year <=2014 and index(upCASE(company), “CVS”) >0 then drugStore_keep=1;
if drugStore_keep=. then drugStore_keep=0;

***only keep specific stores;
IF naics=”446110″ and drugStore_keep^=1 then delete;

***deal with pharmacy ban;
data type5a_&yr ck5_&yr;
set type5_&yr;

** exclude all pharmacies (446110), warehouse clubs/supercenters (452311), and Walmarts beginning
in the year following implementation of the ban ;

if upcase(compress(company,,”ps”)) =: “WALMART” then i_walmart=1;

if &year >=2009 and state=”CA” and city=”SAN FRANCISC” and naics=”446110″ then phban_keep=0;
if &year >=2009 and state=”MA” and city=”BOSTON” then do;
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2010 and ((state=”CA” and city=”RICHMOND”) or (state=”MA” and city in (“NEWTON”, “NEEDHAM”, “UXBRIDGE”) )) then do;
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2011 and state=”MA” and city in (“EVERETT”, “SOUTHBOROUGH”) THEN do;
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2011 and state=”CA” and city=”SAN FRANCISC” then do;
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2012 and state=”MA” and city in (“CHATHAM”, “FALL RIVER”, “NEW BEDFORD”, “NORTH ATTLEB”, “HATFIELD”,
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2013 and state=”MA” and city in (“BREWSTER”, “HARWICH”, “LEE”, “LENOX”, “PITTSFIELD”, “STOCKBRIDGE”, “DARTMOUTH”, “FAIRHAVEN”,
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2014 and state=”MA” and city in (“BARNSTABLE”, “FALMOUTH”, “YARMOUTH”, “BERKLEY”, “EASTON”, “EDGARTOWN”, “GLOUCESTER”,
“CHELSEA”, “ATHOL”) then do;
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2014 and state=”MN” and fipscounty=27133 then do;
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year >=2015 and state=”CA” and /*fipscounty=6041 or*/ city in (“BERKELEY”, “HEALDSBURG”) then do;
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2015 and state=”MA” and city in (“ADAMS”, “SHEFFIELD”, “WILLIAMSTOWN”, “ANDOVER”, “BEVERLY”,
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2016 and state=”CA” and city in (“HOLLISTER”, “DALE CITY”) then do;
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2016 and state=”MA” and city in (“EASTHAM”, “LANESBOROUGH”, “TISBURY”, “DANVERS”, “CHARLEMONT”, “LEVERETT”,
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

if &year>=2017 and state=”MA” and city in (“BOURNE”, “ORLEANS”, “NORTH ADAMS”, “ESSEX”, “HOLYOKE”, “LUDLOW”,
“HOPEDALE”) then do;
if naics in (“446110”, “452311”) then phban_keep=0;
else if i_walmart=1 then phban_keep=0;

IF phban_keep=0 then OUTPUT ck5_&yr;
else output type5a_&yr;


Identify Beer, wine and liquor stores (445310)
data type6_&yr;
set type5a_&yr;

** EXCLUDE state run liquor stores and wine stores that don’t sell tobacco in states that control liquor or wine.
Exclude stores with names that contain: “state”, “abc”, “board”, “ctrl”, “alcoholic”, “bev”, “beverage”,
“dept”, “county”, “bd”, “control”;

if naics=’445310′ then do;

***create indicator of name in the specified words;

f2=findw(company,’state’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’);
f3=findw(company,’abc’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’);
f3A=findw(company,’a b c’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’);

f5=findw(company,’ctrl’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’);
f12=findw(company,’control’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’);
f12a=findw(company,’controll’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’);

f18=findw(company,’agency’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’);
f20=findw(company, ‘NEW HAMPSHIRE LIQUOR’,’ -/’, ‘i’);


if state=”AL” and sum(of f2, f3, F3a, f5, f12, f12a) >0 then drop=1;
else if state=”ID” and findw(company,’state liquor’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’) >0 then drop=1;
else if state=”ME” and &year in (2000, 2001, 2002, 2003) and (findw(company,’state liquor’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’) >0 or sum (of f5, f12, f12a)> 0) then drop=1;
else if state=”NC” and (f3>0 or f3a >0) then drop=1;
else if state=”PA” and sum (of f5, f12, f12a) >0 then drop=1;
else if state=”UT” and sum (of f5, f12, f12a, f18) >0 then drop=1;
else if state=”VA” and (sum (of f3,f3a) >0 or findw(company,’ALCOHOLIC BEV CTRL’, ‘ -/’, ‘i’) >0)
then drop=1;
else if state=”WA” and 2000<= &year <= 2012 and sum (of f5, f12, f12a, f18, f2) >0 then drop=1;
else if state=”MA” and fipscounty=24031 then drop=1;
else if state=”NH” and f20 >0 and f18 <=0 then drop=1;

***keep records that are not identified to be dropped;
if drop ^=1;

Identify Discount department store (452112 & 452990): INCLUDE Walmart, Kmart, Meijer Shopko, 99 cents stores,
Family Dollar, Dolgencorp/Dollar General, military exchanges.

data type7_&yr;
set type6_&yr;

IF NAICS in (“452210” “452319”) then do;

if upcase(compress(company,,”ps”)) =: “WALMART” then keep=1;
else if upcase(compress(company,,”ps”)) = “KMART” then keep=1;

else if index(upcase(company),”MEIJER”) >0
or index(upcase(company), “SHOPKO”) >0 or index(upcase(company),”99 CENTS STORE”) >0 or
index(upcase(company), “ALCO STORES”) >0 or index(upcase(company), “FRED STORES”) >0 then keep=1;

if &year >=2013 and index(upcase(company),”FAMILY DOLLAR”) >0 then keep=1;
if &year >=2014 and (index(upcase(company), “DOLGENCORP”) >0 or
index(upcase(company),”DOLLAR GENERAL”)>0 or index(upcase(company), “DOLLAR TREE”)>0) then keep=1;

if (index(upcase(company),”AAFES”) >0 or index(upcase(company),”PX”) >0 or
index(upcase(company),”BX”) >0 or index(upcase(company),”POST EXCHANGE”) >0 or
index(upcase(company), “BASE EXCHANGE”) >0) then keep=1;

if keep =. then keep=0;
if NAICS in (“452210” “452319”) and keep ^=1 then delete;;

Combine data from NAICS code and text search tobacco stores
data datasets.keep_&yr;
set type7_&yr tobacco_&yr;
***create include indicator in each year for analysis;

drop naics– tobacco_keep;

proc sort ;
by DunsNumber;

%clean (2000, 00)
%clean (2001, 01)
%clean (2002, 02)
%clean (2003, 03)
%clean (2004, 04)
%clean (2005, 05)
%clean (2006, 06)
%clean (2007, 07)
%clean (2008, 08)
%clean (2009, 09)
%clean (2010, 10)
%clean (2011, 11)
%clean (2012, 12)
%clean (2013, 13)
%clean (2014, 14)
%clean (2015, 15)
%clean (2016, 16)
%clean (2017, 17)


Remove the stores with pharmacy ban, address is missing, and duplicates, in 2011-2017
%macro remove2 (file, year, yr);
***identify stores to remove due to pharmacy ban from GIS analysis output;

PROC IMPORT OUT= &file._&yr DATAFILE= “P:\Projects\ICISS_Ribisl_Retailers\GIS\Join_&year..xlsx”

data &file.2_&yr;
set &file._&yr ;
if NAMELSAD ^=””;
format dunsnumber best12.;
keep dunsnumber NAMELSAD;
proc sort data=&file.2_&yr;
by dunsnumber;

data clean_&yr;
merge datasets.keep_&yr (in=a) &file.2_&yr (in=b);
by dunsnumber;
if a and not b;

**Drop stores with missing addresses or PO box address;
proc sql;
create table clean2_&yr as
select *
from clean_&yr
where not (missing(address) or upper(compress(address,,”ps”)) contains “POBOX”)

**remove duplicates:
(1). When 7 or more stores appear at the same address, remove all of stores (these are likely corporate headquarters and not actually stores)
(2). When 6 or less stores appear at same address check to see if stores have same name, NAICS, first and last year
(must have all 4 along with same address), and if so, remove the duplicates (keep one of the duplicate stores).
Otherwise keep all stores when 6 or less at same address.;

data clean2r_&yr;
set clean2_&yr;

**create address_id;

proc sort;
by address_id;

data nodup_&yr (drop=address_id n) dup7_&yr (keep=address_id) dup6_&yr (keep=address_id);
set clean2r_&yr;
by address_id;
if first.address_id then n=0;
if last.address_id then do;
if n=1 then output nodup_&yr;
else if 1< n <=6 then output dup6_&yr;
else if n>=7 then output dup7_&yr;

proc sql;
create table dup6_&yr.r as
select *
from dup6_&yr as a
left join clean2r_&yr as b
on a.address_id=b.address_id;

***only keep one record when there are duplicates in address, SIC, FirstYear, and LastYear;
proc sort data=dup6_&yr.r out=dup6_&yr.r2 nodupkey;
by address_id company sic&yr firstyear LastYear;

***combine nodup dataset and dup6_r2;
data final_&yr;
set nodup_&yr dup6_&yr.r2;
drop address_id;
proc sort;
by dunsnumber;

%remove2 (area, 2011, 11);
%remove2 (area, 2012, 12);
%remove2 (area, 2013, 13);
%remove2 (area, 2014, 14);
%remove2 (area, 2015, 15);
%remove2 (area, 2016, 16);
%remove2 (area, 2017, 17);

Also exclude stores with missing address duplicates in 2000-2010
%macro drop2 (yr);
**Drop stores with missing addresses or PO box address;
proc sql;
create table clean2_&yr as
select *
from datasets.keep_&yr
where not (missing(address) or upper(compress(address,,”ps”)) contains “POBOX”)

**Remove duplicates:
(1). When 7 or more stores appear at the same address, remove all of stores (these are likely corporate headquarters and not actually stores)
(2). When 6 or less stores appear at same address check to see if stores have same name, NAICS, first and last year
(must have all 4 along with same address), and if so, remove the duplicates (keep one of the duplicate stores).
Otherwise keep all stores when 6 or less at same address.;

data clean2r_&yr;
set clean2_&yr;

**create address_id;
proc sort;
by address_id;

data nodup_&yr (drop=address_id n) dup7_&yr (keep=address_id) dup6_&yr (keep=address_id);
set clean2r_&yr;
by address_id;
if first.address_id then n=0;
if last.address_id then do;
if n=1 then output nodup_&yr;
else if 1< n <=6 then output dup6_&yr;
else if n>=7 then output dup7_&yr;

*** add address_id back to the raw data for checking data elements;
proc sql;
create table dup6_&yr.r as
select *
from dup6_&yr as a
left join clean2r_&yr as b
on a.address_id=b.address_id;
***only keep one record in these address dup stores when there are duplicates in address, SIC, FirstYear, and LastYear;
proc sort data=dup6_&yr.r out=dup6_&yr.r2 nodupkey;
by address_id company sic&yr firstyear LastYear;

***combine nodup dataset and dup6_r2;
data final_&yr;
set nodup_&yr dup6_&yr.r2;
drop address_id;
proc sort;
by dunsnumber;


%drop2 (00)
%drop2 (01)
%drop2 (02)
%drop2 (03)
%drop2 (04)
%drop2 (05)
%drop2 (06)
%drop2 (07)
%drop2 (08)
%drop2 (09)
%drop2 (10)

**Combine data for all years

data temp_0017;
merge final_00 – final_17;
by DunsNumber;
array yr (*) include_00 – include_17;
do i=1 to dim(yr);
if yr(i)=. then yr(i)=0;

drop i;

**create NAICS variable fro each year;

array sic(*) sic90-sic99 sic00-sic17;
array naics(*) naics90 -naics99 naics00-naics17;

do j=1 to dim(sic);

if sic(j)=55419904 then naics(j)=’447110′;
else if sic(j)=55410000 then naics(j)=’447190′;
else if sic(j)=55419900 then naics(j)=’447190′;
else if sic(j)=55419901 then naics(j)=’447190′;
else if sic(j)=55419902 then naics(j)=’447190′;
else if sic(j)=55419903 then naics(j)=’447190′;
else if sic(j)=54110200 then naics(j)=’445120′;
else if sic(j)=54110201 then naics(j)=’445120′;
else if sic(j)=54110202 then naics(j)=’445120′;

else if sic(j)=59930000 then naics(j)=’453991′;
else if sic(j)=59939900 then naics(j)=’453991′;
else if sic(j)=59939901 then naics(j)=’453991′;
else if sic(j)=59939902 then naics(j)=’453991′;
else if sic(j)=59939903 then naics(j)=’453991′;
else if sic(j)=59939904 then naics(j)=’453991′;

else if sic(j)=54110000 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54110100 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54110101 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54110102 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54110103 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54110104 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54110105 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54119900 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54119901 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54119902 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54119903 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54119904 then naics(j)=’445110′;
else if sic(j)=54119905 then naics(j)=’445110′;

else if sic(j)=53999906 then naics(j)=’452311′;

else if sic(j)=59120000 then naics(j)=’446110′;
else if sic(j)=59129900 then naics(j)=’446110′;
else if sic(j)=59129901 then naics(j)=’446110′;
else if sic(j)=59129902 then naics(j)=’446110′;

else if sic(j)=59210000 then naics(j)=’445310′;
else if sic(j)=59210100 then naics(j)=’445310′;
else if sic(j)=59210101 then naics(j)=’445310′;
else if sic(j)=59210102 then naics(j)=’445310′;
else if sic(j)=59219900 then naics(j)=’445310′;
else if sic(j)=59219901 then naics(j)=’445310′;

else if sic(j)=53119901 then naics(j)=’452210′;
else if sic(j)=53310000 then naics(j)=’452319′;
else if sic(j)=53990000 then naics(j)=’452319′;
else if sic(j)=53999900 then naics(j)=’452319′;
else if sic(j)=53999901 then naics(j)=’452319′;
else if sic(j)=53999902 then naics(j)=’452319′;
else if sic(j)=53999903 then naics(j)=’452319′;
else if sic(j)=53999904 then naics(j)=’452319′;
else if sic(j)=53999905 then naics(j)=’452319′;
else if sic(j)=55319900 then naics(j)=’452319′;
drop j ;

Add store type indicator into the dataset

data datasets.cleaned_0017;
set temp_0017;

** should assign sic and naics code to missing if the stores are not met in our inclusion criteria;

array include (*) include_00 – include_17;
array naics2 (*) naics00-naics17;
array sicvar2 (*) sic00-sic17;

do j=1 to dim(include);
if include(j) ^=1 then do;

length store_type90 – store_type99 store_type00- store_type17 $15.;

array sic(*) sic90-sic99 sic00-sic17;
array naics(*) naics90 -naics99 naics00-naics17;
array type(*) store_type90 -store_type99 store_type00-store_type17;

do i=1 to dim(naics);
If naics(i) in (“447110”, “445120”, “447190”) then type(i)=”Gas/convenience”;
else If naics(i) = “453991” then type(i)=”Tobacco”;
else If naics(i) = “445110” then type(i)=”Grocery”;
else If naics(i) = “452311” then type(i)=”Supercenter”;
else If naics(i) = “446110” then type(i)=”Pharmacy”;
else If naics(i) = “445310” then type(i)=”Alcohol”;
else If naics(i) in (“452210”, “452319”) then type(i)=”Discount/general”;
Else if sic(i) ^=”” then type(i)=”Tobacco”;

drop i j;
